Dr Ioannis Ioannou studied French and comparative literature (French-Greek) at the Universities Jean Moulin- Lyon 3 and Paris 3- La Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. He taught at the universities Lumière-Lyon2, Jean Moulin Lyon3 and since 1992 he teaches at the University of Cyprus (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor).

​He founded the Department of French and European Studies, the Section of French as a foreign language, the undergraduate program of French Language and Literature and the undergraduate program of Modern Languages and European Studies, an interdisciplinary program focusing on European languages and cultures (mainly English, French, German) and European centered modules.

​He served as Chair and vice Chair of his Department for many years and he was elected Dean of the school of Humanities and Social Sciences for two mandates (1997-2003). During these mandates he submitted the proposal, finally approved by the Parliament, for the split of his School into two and the creation of four new autonomous Departments, thus, English Studies, French and European Studies, Law, and Psychology, and the Language Center of the University. He has chaired the Special Committees for hiring almost all members of the Department as well as the special scientists.

​He has been member of the senate for more than 12 years, member of many senatorial Committees, member of the national jury for the literature prizes, member of the national jury of excellence in Letters, Arts and Sciences, member of the Board of the Foundation of Promotion of Research etc. He is member of Editorial and Scientific Committees of International reviews and International societies. He was invited speaker in many conferences and Visiting Professor in several French and Greek universities.

​His research interests focus on French and Greek surrealism, French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, French culture in Cyprus, Cypriot literature, theoretical aspects of poetic writing, political culture etc. He published and edited books in Cyprus, Greece and France and published more than 80articles in international reviews.

​He was appointed by the Council of Ministers at the governing Board of The Foundation for Promotion of Research, at the governing Board of the French-Cypriot Secondary School and President of the Council of Cyprus Theatre Organization (THOC).

​He was awarded the honor of Professor Honoris Causa of the University Paul Valéry- Montpellier 3, (April 2014). He received the distinction of Officier de l’ Ordre des Palmes Académiques, from the French government.

His essay Space and time in poetry (Kastaniotis, Athens 2000) received the first prize of essay of the Republic of Cyprus.